Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Which MMO should I start playing?

Hi there! Now school is over and I'm financially independent from my parents, I thought about starting an MMO...I know most will say 'WoW of course' but, while I play DotA and I like the Warcraft folklore,

I'm not particurarly fond of WoW because I think I want something more contemporary...and yes, I'm aware of its expansions. Also, I think that there are way too many pro players you can't beat for **** because they've been playing for years. I've even played Lineage and thought it sucked. One game that got my attention are Lord of the Rings Online as I'm a fan of the trilogy and I find the aspect of getting to play in the landscapes and stories of the movie, online, amusing! I also found Warhammer Online pretty nice but I don't know much about it...

Lately, I set my sights upon the upcoming MMOs The Agency, DC Universe Online but mostly The Secret World. Also, having owned Guild Wars, I find GW2 interesting, although I don't really like its PvP, I think it's perfect in every other aspect!

I want to outline some things. First of all, I don't mind having to pay monthly and secondly, notice I asked for an MMO in general, not an MMORPG in particular! If you have other suggestions, please feel free to share them with me, or, if you have something good to outline for WoW, do it! But something serious, not like 'it's da best gam eva'. Last but not least, what I really want is immersion!

Thanks!Which MMO should I start playing?
"Also, having owned Guild Wars, I find GW2 interesting, although I don't really like its PvP, I think it's perfect in every other aspect!"

GW2 will have a strong PvP aspect, but just like GW1 you can never be forced to take part of PvP at all. There is no World-PvP like the gankers of WoW or Aion, raiders or griefers. PvP in GW2 will be either server vs server vs server, and contained in a single area, where there is no PvE contents, or Guild vs Guild (team vs team) in arenas.

If you don't like PvP (like me) Guild Wars 1 and 2 is perfect.

Just thought this needed to be cleared up.

The youtube-channel below has some more info on this from the developers of GW2Which MMO should I start playing?
It's hard to recommend a specific MMO game 2 play, because everyone likes something different. A game I love you may not. Check out http://mmohut.com for a huge list of these free mmorpg / mmo games. I personally use that site to find new games to play. Every few days I try a new game :) - It's a lot of fun because I try everything. They have like every single MMORPG categorized nicely with reviews, screenshots, videos and more. Heck they even list the game's system requirements!. Best part is all the games are free, which rocks.


They have a big section for "no download" browser MMORPGs too! All with screenshots and reviews!

Let me know if this was helpful! %26lt;3

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