Friday, March 9, 2012

The Best MMORPG for me, or any MMO... ?

Can someone please give me a detailed breakdown on what you think is the best MMO... for me.

There really is one thing I really hate when it comes to MMORPG, and that's waiting ages to try and (find a healer or a tank or something - my WOW experience), its boring and not at all fun. The other thing I dislike is alot of grinding, grinding fine if its for a max of about 1-2 hours.

These are the games ive had experience with:

WoW: Definitely gets annoying spending forever trying to get a group going. But really just stopped playing cus I got bored of it.

LoTr: Theres something about it I dislike as soon as I started playing it, sort of like everythings compartmentalized (e.g you go to a loading screen every time you go into a building).

Pirates of the burning sea: Good fun for a while then can get very repetitive, and fights are pretty slow (ship battles).

Games I havent tried so would defiantly like some opinions on:

Warhammer Online: Im a fan of the genre, so this looks quite cool.

Eve Online: Also looks cool, but heard its very complex.

Maple story: Dont know anything about it.

Guild Wars: Looks great especially thats its no sub. big plus.

Star Wars Galaxies: Dont know.

City of heroes/villians: Dont know but sounds great.

Some others that I have heard of:

Age of Conan, Final Fantasy XI, The Chronicles of Spellborn, RuneScape.

Any thoughts on which is the best for me.The Best MMORPG for me, or any MMO... ?
City of Heroes/City of Villains

$20 purchase, $15 per month (can be slightly less if bought in bulk)

Two games for one price

PvE and PvP

Unparalleled character creation

Standard content and user-created content

Virtually infinite costume, AT, powerset combinations

Superhero/Archvillain theme

A variety of servers with varied populations and atmospheres

PlayNC recently announced the first EXPANSION since City of Villains, "Going Rogue" in which characters can change alignment within the context of the game.

Use the free trial and decide!鈥?/a>The Best MMORPG for me, or any MMO... ?
I'm kind of in the same boat to be honest. I've played a lot of these games and others but I'm still waiting for the right game for me to come along. Knights of the old republic and star trek are two MMOs in the works I'm keeping an eye on right now.

As for some of the games you listed:

Warhammer Online: PvP is fun and accessable even at eairly levels. PVE is where this game falls short. Graphic wise it's not that great, especially if your use to some of the better graphics out there.

Eve Online: Has a higher learning curve then most but isnt as hard to pick up as some make it sound. This game was fun for me for a while but it can get very lonely and boring. If you enjoy playing hide and seek for hours or mining rocks this is your game. Yes there is plenty of other stuff to do but in my opinion it's lacking cohesion. Also keep in mind that you will never catch up to those who started years ago, skills are time based so no matter what you do it's all on a timer.

Guild Wars: It's ok, fun at first and free is good but I just never felt it was worth my time after playing it a while. Can't really say why, I just lost interest pretty quick.

I've also played Wow, LOTRO to end game and a ton of others out there. Just finished with Huxley beta and its kind of fun but it's with ijji so it's going to be one of these free to play but you can buy stuff to equip your character games (which I hate).

As far as best for you that all depends on what your looking for.

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