Friday, March 9, 2012

The Best MMORPG for me, or any MMO... ?

Can someone please give me a detailed breakdown on what you think is the best MMO... for me.

There really is one thing I really hate when it comes to MMORPG, and that's waiting ages to try and (find a healer or a tank or something - my WOW experience), its boring and not at all fun. The other thing I dislike is alot of grinding, grinding fine if its for a max of about 1-2 hours.

These are the games ive had experience with:

WoW: Definitely gets annoying spending forever trying to get a group going. But really just stopped playing cus I got bored of it.

LoTr: Theres something about it I dislike as soon as I started playing it, sort of like everythings compartmentalized (e.g you go to a loading screen every time you go into a building).

Pirates of the burning sea: Good fun for a while then can get very repetitive, and fights are pretty slow (ship battles).

Games I havent tried so would defiantly like some opinions on:

Warhammer Online: Im a fan of the genre, so this looks quite cool.

Eve Online: Also looks cool, but heard its very complex.

Maple story: Dont know anything about it.

Guild Wars: Looks great especially thats its no sub. big plus.

Star Wars Galaxies: Dont know.

City of heroes/villians: Dont know but sounds great.

Some others that I have heard of:

Age of Conan, Final Fantasy XI, The Chronicles of Spellborn, RuneScape.

Any thoughts on which is the best for me.The Best MMORPG for me, or any MMO... ?
City of Heroes/City of Villains

$20 purchase, $15 per month (can be slightly less if bought in bulk)

Two games for one price

PvE and PvP

Unparalleled character creation

Standard content and user-created content

Virtually infinite costume, AT, powerset combinations

Superhero/Archvillain theme

A variety of servers with varied populations and atmospheres

PlayNC recently announced the first EXPANSION since City of Villains, "Going Rogue" in which characters can change alignment within the context of the game.

Use the free trial and decide!鈥?/a>The Best MMORPG for me, or any MMO... ?
I'm kind of in the same boat to be honest. I've played a lot of these games and others but I'm still waiting for the right game for me to come along. Knights of the old republic and star trek are two MMOs in the works I'm keeping an eye on right now.

As for some of the games you listed:

Warhammer Online: PvP is fun and accessable even at eairly levels. PVE is where this game falls short. Graphic wise it's not that great, especially if your use to some of the better graphics out there.

Eve Online: Has a higher learning curve then most but isnt as hard to pick up as some make it sound. This game was fun for me for a while but it can get very lonely and boring. If you enjoy playing hide and seek for hours or mining rocks this is your game. Yes there is plenty of other stuff to do but in my opinion it's lacking cohesion. Also keep in mind that you will never catch up to those who started years ago, skills are time based so no matter what you do it's all on a timer.

Guild Wars: It's ok, fun at first and free is good but I just never felt it was worth my time after playing it a while. Can't really say why, I just lost interest pretty quick.

I've also played Wow, LOTRO to end game and a ton of others out there. Just finished with Huxley beta and its kind of fun but it's with ijji so it's going to be one of these free to play but you can buy stuff to equip your character games (which I hate).

As far as best for you that all depends on what your looking for.

Im wanting to get into a different MMO WoW.?

I love wow but its too kiddish for me. I want a more real looking MMO thats actually good. Ive played alot of them and watched them crash to nothing. Ive done FFXI, Guild wars, LOTRO, Warhammer online, everquest one and two, and city of heroes. None have really caught my attention. Im looking for something fairly easy thats not horribly in need of grinding and lots of time. Im a casual gamer now that im in college but i still love MMORPGS. can anyone help =] free or pay2play idcIm wanting to get into a different MMO WoW.?
Sacred 2! FTW!

IT sooo much better that WoW
I quit WoW about a month ago and im waiting for SW:TOR to come out. If you played KOTOR you should like this but its still got a long way to go.Im wanting to get into a different MMO WoW.?
im in the same condition as you. ive gone through tons of mmos. ill tell you some of the notable ones ive played.



Knight Online

DarkFall (waiting on it still)
Magic can't look real!Im wanting to get into a different MMO WoW.?
Look at for a directory of free MMOs and MMORPGs. If you'd prefer to see a massive 'list' with reviews / exp rate / playerbase and such check out

I use that site to find new games to play / read up on ones I heard about. Good resource.

I am in need of a new MMO?

Hello. Let me explain my background. These are the games I have played and are not happy with, do not tell me to play these games: Runescape (Takes too much time, too repetitive), Rift (Horrible), Maplestory (Horrible), Guild Wars, Warhammer Online, LOTRO, Perfect World, Starcraft. I think that covers it

I am currently playing WoW. It's great. Patch came out today, it's AWESOME. BUT, my guildmaster has found a replacement for me for tier 12 progression, so I have decided to stop trying, and to stop wasting money on realm and faction changes for raid spots.

I am in need of something new. I want it to feel like WoW. I want it to be a RPG, not a MMO Shooter, for example. I want it to have a community and forum board like WoW. I want something that has active producers that patch and give new content. I dont care how much I have to pay a month. If there is anything like this out there that is good please tell me. I have heard of DDO but 20 levels turns me off.

Thanks in advance.I am in need of a new MMO?
I know you want something right now, but Tera online is coming out. I canceled my WoW account when I heard about it. It looks AMAZING. My dad and his wife might even get rid of their WoW accounts. (My dad has 3 level 80 characters!) The races look pretty neat. I just read on the Tera Online site that it will come out sometime this year. For now I play Vindictus. It's free to play and has great graphics.

Here is a class trailer video of Tera Online...鈥?/a>

Here is gameplay of Vindictus...鈥?/a>

Good luck!I am in need of a new MMO?
If you're willing to try something text-based...

It's quirky and fun, gives you that grand adventure feel while retaining it's own personal style, it's free, it has a wonderful community... Everyone can do something different, and it WORKS SO WELL. It's got the core ideas that make something "Like WoW" but it's got so much more that it doesn't feel like a clone.I am in need of a new MMO?
try playing aion. its pretty good. graphics are awesome. scenery is amazing. gear is very, very realistic-looking (far better than wow's gear) char creations are also far better than wow; realistic and awesome-looking (you can make your toon look totally different from everyone else. my toon has this gigantic super big head, is major tall and extremely skinny. she looks so laughable and i get funny comments on her all the time. i love her). leveling is hard and challenging. same price as wow and should be a nice change of pace for you. or you can keep playing wow and just get in another guild with a better gm. both games are very good to play so either way you win. :) good luck

Should World Of Warcraft and other MMO's be Free to play?

A recent article i read was how alot of MMO's are choosing to cut their monthly subscription fee's and make them free to play to compete with WoW and get more people playing their game as everyone who has tried to take down WoW has failed, warhammer,everquest,runescape etc etc. I'm a WoW player and i don't mind paying the monthly subscription because i think this is the reason WoW is successful, the monthly subscription pays to make the game better, be it new dungeons,raids,questing, items etc etc and without the monthly subscription, you couldn't have the all the new stuff so kinda how the other publishers plan on making on making money if this is the only way to compete with Blizzard. One theory i had was instead of monthly subscription, to keep the game new and fresh to get people to pay for patches, how else do you keep a online game fresh and keep your players. Blizzard have over 15 million and they pay each month, how do you compete with this ?Should World Of Warcraft and other MMO's be Free to play?
I think it's better to have to pay the monthly subscription than some kind of hidden fee that most "free" to play mmorpgs have most of the time. And the money goes to server maintenance which is expensive, developers etc which isn't such a bad thing.Should World Of Warcraft and other MMO's be Free to play?
As long as WoW can make money they will.

WoW's days are numbered though Star Wars the Old Republic is going to take down WoW once and for all. I used to play WoW a lot last year and the game go so boring for me after I hit level 80, I'm so glad that Star Wars the Old Republic is going to finally end WoW's reign.

Even though it comes out next year the game looks very promising.

Look at the details yourself and decideShould World Of Warcraft and other MMO's be Free to play?
I don't think so...they give updates every few months and so the monthly fees go to maintaining the servers each month and to pay software developers/writers each month.Without monthly subscriptions where do you think they will get the constant supply of money to power their servers etc.
i play wow also, i agree with you, if it was free it wouldn't be as good, but it could be cheaper because of how many people that do play

What's a good Fantasy Mmo?

Alright so im really bored of the mmo's im playing/tried and didn't like.

games im currently playing:

1.Soul of the ultimate nation - gender locked classes, poor music.

2. Warhammer 14 day reenlistment - to bleh cant explain really just not my cup of tea

3. Atlantica online - a decent game i play it here and there.

4. global agenda - Nothing like Tabula rasa :(

What NOT to suggest:

World of warcraft


runes of magic

allods online

what im looking for.

Good Music

smooth gameplay

graphics can look like anything. i am more interested with the music, along with a smooth gameplay experience meaning none laggy servers, smooth attack animations, etc.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions! :)What's a good Fantasy Mmo?
I have not played any of these, but I suggest the following:


Everquest 2

Lord of the Rings OnlineWhat's a good Fantasy Mmo?鈥?/a>

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What's a good Fantasy Mmo?
It's tough to recommend a specific MMO game, because everyone likes something different. A game I love you may not. Check out for a huge list of these free mmorpg / mmo games. I personally use that site to find new games to play. Every few days I try a new game :) - It's a lot of fun because I try everything. They have like every single MMORPG categorized nicely with reviews, screenshots, videos and more. Heck they even list the game's system requirements!. Best part is all the games are free, which rocks.

They have a huge section for "no download" browser MMORPGs too! All with screenshots and reviews!

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  • What is a good MMO to play?

    I am looking for a new MMO to play, dont mind if its F2P or P2P as long as its a good game.

    I have played the following, please do not suggest them:

    World of Warcraft

    Age of Conan

    Dark Age of Camelot

    Warhammer Online

    Eve Online

    Please leave suggestions and if possible a little about the game (pvp or pve based) and why you like it.

    Thanks in advance!What is a good MMO to play?
    runescape? its kinda fun its a lil slow but its, fun? i geuss lol is the site =]

    gl on finding that gameWhat is a good MMO to play?
    Everquest 2

    Im looking for a MMO to play? doesnt have to be free..not runescape though :P?

    yeah im looking for a mmo to play with one of my currently playing WoW but he doesnt want to play with me cos some unknown reason :P but yeah i was thinking of something like lineage 2 or warhammer online but i dunno about them..preferably a game that has a bit more PvP than Wow but has graphics like wow cos i looked at lineage 2 and that has cool pvp action but i think you have to like click to move the character or something and not use the keyboard like wow yeah thanks if you answer :P lolIm looking for a MMO to play? doesnt have to be free..not runescape though :P?
    FlyFF...Free and fun!
    I think Guild Wars might be similar. I have never played it, though. Just a suggestion.Im looking for a MMO to play? doesnt have to be free..not runescape though :P?
    Sherwood Dungeon -

    Dark Throne -
    Go to its the best place EVER! play tales of pirates in it its the best game EVER! and go to dream isalnd/rainbow isle so i can meet u there my user is Godzilla3 Everything is free excecpt item mal which u dont need to worry about now....

    REALLY PLAY IT ITS LIKETHE BEST FOR ME! I CAN never ever stop!im lv 51 by the way.Im looking for a MMO to play? doesnt have to be free..not runescape though :P?
    Guild Wars was, alright. Got boring like Runescape. I suggest avoiding WoW because... Highly addictive and no one can quit it. If you hold out for a few months Warhammer online will be coming out. Looks great, plus it has PvP and the world needs PvP. But you can always check out, Rakion.
    Try guild wars, your run of the mill fanatasy dungeons and dragons, knights and princess kind of thing

    EVE:online, you run of the mill sci-fi pew pew laser space ship game

    both are MMORPG's, and by run of the mill I mean the they're good, jsut letting you know there could be archetypes in there, nothing wrong with following a formula as long as theres some innovation.

    formula like a game about a character who can move around an expanse world could be a formula?

    eh, whatever heres a couple of games ^_^

    I know eve has a free-trial, I'd imagine the other would to
    what is your WoW account ill add you

    plus try maple story it takes a while to download though

    Dungeon Runners is free for simple access - a monthly fee gets you access to better gear and the bank - MUCH better than runescape or maplestory:

    Lineage2 is good, and you don't HAVE to click to move. It's just an option. - Guild Wars has the same controls. It tends to be an asian/consol game mechanism.

    Continuing on the NCsoft thread of MMOs there is also Tabula Rasa that just came out in the past couple of days if you are interested in a non-fantasy game.

    Another fun fantasy MMO is Dungeon and Dragons Online, but there is really no PvP if that is a requirement for you.

    Lineage2 and GuildWars I think are the heaviest PvP games currently played.