Friday, March 9, 2012

The Best MMORPG for me, or any MMO... ?

Can someone please give me a detailed breakdown on what you think is the best MMO... for me.

There really is one thing I really hate when it comes to MMORPG, and that's waiting ages to try and (find a healer or a tank or something - my WOW experience), its boring and not at all fun. The other thing I dislike is alot of grinding, grinding fine if its for a max of about 1-2 hours.

These are the games ive had experience with:

WoW: Definitely gets annoying spending forever trying to get a group going. But really just stopped playing cus I got bored of it.

LoTr: Theres something about it I dislike as soon as I started playing it, sort of like everythings compartmentalized (e.g you go to a loading screen every time you go into a building).

Pirates of the burning sea: Good fun for a while then can get very repetitive, and fights are pretty slow (ship battles).

Games I havent tried so would defiantly like some opinions on:

Warhammer Online: Im a fan of the genre, so this looks quite cool.

Eve Online: Also looks cool, but heard its very complex.

Maple story: Dont know anything about it.

Guild Wars: Looks great especially thats its no sub. big plus.

Star Wars Galaxies: Dont know.

City of heroes/villians: Dont know but sounds great.

Some others that I have heard of:

Age of Conan, Final Fantasy XI, The Chronicles of Spellborn, RuneScape.

Any thoughts on which is the best for me.The Best MMORPG for me, or any MMO... ?
City of Heroes/City of Villains

$20 purchase, $15 per month (can be slightly less if bought in bulk)

Two games for one price

PvE and PvP

Unparalleled character creation

Standard content and user-created content

Virtually infinite costume, AT, powerset combinations

Superhero/Archvillain theme

A variety of servers with varied populations and atmospheres

PlayNC recently announced the first EXPANSION since City of Villains, "Going Rogue" in which characters can change alignment within the context of the game.

Use the free trial and decide!鈥?/a>The Best MMORPG for me, or any MMO... ?
I'm kind of in the same boat to be honest. I've played a lot of these games and others but I'm still waiting for the right game for me to come along. Knights of the old republic and star trek are two MMOs in the works I'm keeping an eye on right now.

As for some of the games you listed:

Warhammer Online: PvP is fun and accessable even at eairly levels. PVE is where this game falls short. Graphic wise it's not that great, especially if your use to some of the better graphics out there.

Eve Online: Has a higher learning curve then most but isnt as hard to pick up as some make it sound. This game was fun for me for a while but it can get very lonely and boring. If you enjoy playing hide and seek for hours or mining rocks this is your game. Yes there is plenty of other stuff to do but in my opinion it's lacking cohesion. Also keep in mind that you will never catch up to those who started years ago, skills are time based so no matter what you do it's all on a timer.

Guild Wars: It's ok, fun at first and free is good but I just never felt it was worth my time after playing it a while. Can't really say why, I just lost interest pretty quick.

I've also played Wow, LOTRO to end game and a ton of others out there. Just finished with Huxley beta and its kind of fun but it's with ijji so it's going to be one of these free to play but you can buy stuff to equip your character games (which I hate).

As far as best for you that all depends on what your looking for.

Im wanting to get into a different MMO WoW.?

I love wow but its too kiddish for me. I want a more real looking MMO thats actually good. Ive played alot of them and watched them crash to nothing. Ive done FFXI, Guild wars, LOTRO, Warhammer online, everquest one and two, and city of heroes. None have really caught my attention. Im looking for something fairly easy thats not horribly in need of grinding and lots of time. Im a casual gamer now that im in college but i still love MMORPGS. can anyone help =] free or pay2play idcIm wanting to get into a different MMO WoW.?
Sacred 2! FTW!

IT sooo much better that WoW
I quit WoW about a month ago and im waiting for SW:TOR to come out. If you played KOTOR you should like this but its still got a long way to go.Im wanting to get into a different MMO WoW.?
im in the same condition as you. ive gone through tons of mmos. ill tell you some of the notable ones ive played.



Knight Online

DarkFall (waiting on it still)
Magic can't look real!Im wanting to get into a different MMO WoW.?
Look at for a directory of free MMOs and MMORPGs. If you'd prefer to see a massive 'list' with reviews / exp rate / playerbase and such check out

I use that site to find new games to play / read up on ones I heard about. Good resource.

I am in need of a new MMO?

Hello. Let me explain my background. These are the games I have played and are not happy with, do not tell me to play these games: Runescape (Takes too much time, too repetitive), Rift (Horrible), Maplestory (Horrible), Guild Wars, Warhammer Online, LOTRO, Perfect World, Starcraft. I think that covers it

I am currently playing WoW. It's great. Patch came out today, it's AWESOME. BUT, my guildmaster has found a replacement for me for tier 12 progression, so I have decided to stop trying, and to stop wasting money on realm and faction changes for raid spots.

I am in need of something new. I want it to feel like WoW. I want it to be a RPG, not a MMO Shooter, for example. I want it to have a community and forum board like WoW. I want something that has active producers that patch and give new content. I dont care how much I have to pay a month. If there is anything like this out there that is good please tell me. I have heard of DDO but 20 levels turns me off.

Thanks in advance.I am in need of a new MMO?
I know you want something right now, but Tera online is coming out. I canceled my WoW account when I heard about it. It looks AMAZING. My dad and his wife might even get rid of their WoW accounts. (My dad has 3 level 80 characters!) The races look pretty neat. I just read on the Tera Online site that it will come out sometime this year. For now I play Vindictus. It's free to play and has great graphics.

Here is a class trailer video of Tera Online...鈥?/a>

Here is gameplay of Vindictus...鈥?/a>

Good luck!I am in need of a new MMO?
If you're willing to try something text-based...

It's quirky and fun, gives you that grand adventure feel while retaining it's own personal style, it's free, it has a wonderful community... Everyone can do something different, and it WORKS SO WELL. It's got the core ideas that make something "Like WoW" but it's got so much more that it doesn't feel like a clone.I am in need of a new MMO?
try playing aion. its pretty good. graphics are awesome. scenery is amazing. gear is very, very realistic-looking (far better than wow's gear) char creations are also far better than wow; realistic and awesome-looking (you can make your toon look totally different from everyone else. my toon has this gigantic super big head, is major tall and extremely skinny. she looks so laughable and i get funny comments on her all the time. i love her). leveling is hard and challenging. same price as wow and should be a nice change of pace for you. or you can keep playing wow and just get in another guild with a better gm. both games are very good to play so either way you win. :) good luck

Should World Of Warcraft and other MMO's be Free to play?

A recent article i read was how alot of MMO's are choosing to cut their monthly subscription fee's and make them free to play to compete with WoW and get more people playing their game as everyone who has tried to take down WoW has failed, warhammer,everquest,runescape etc etc. I'm a WoW player and i don't mind paying the monthly subscription because i think this is the reason WoW is successful, the monthly subscription pays to make the game better, be it new dungeons,raids,questing, items etc etc and without the monthly subscription, you couldn't have the all the new stuff so kinda how the other publishers plan on making on making money if this is the only way to compete with Blizzard. One theory i had was instead of monthly subscription, to keep the game new and fresh to get people to pay for patches, how else do you keep a online game fresh and keep your players. Blizzard have over 15 million and they pay each month, how do you compete with this ?Should World Of Warcraft and other MMO's be Free to play?
I think it's better to have to pay the monthly subscription than some kind of hidden fee that most "free" to play mmorpgs have most of the time. And the money goes to server maintenance which is expensive, developers etc which isn't such a bad thing.Should World Of Warcraft and other MMO's be Free to play?
As long as WoW can make money they will.

WoW's days are numbered though Star Wars the Old Republic is going to take down WoW once and for all. I used to play WoW a lot last year and the game go so boring for me after I hit level 80, I'm so glad that Star Wars the Old Republic is going to finally end WoW's reign.

Even though it comes out next year the game looks very promising.

Look at the details yourself and decideShould World Of Warcraft and other MMO's be Free to play?
I don't think so...they give updates every few months and so the monthly fees go to maintaining the servers each month and to pay software developers/writers each month.Without monthly subscriptions where do you think they will get the constant supply of money to power their servers etc.
i play wow also, i agree with you, if it was free it wouldn't be as good, but it could be cheaper because of how many people that do play

What's a good Fantasy Mmo?

Alright so im really bored of the mmo's im playing/tried and didn't like.

games im currently playing:

1.Soul of the ultimate nation - gender locked classes, poor music.

2. Warhammer 14 day reenlistment - to bleh cant explain really just not my cup of tea

3. Atlantica online - a decent game i play it here and there.

4. global agenda - Nothing like Tabula rasa :(

What NOT to suggest:

World of warcraft


runes of magic

allods online

what im looking for.

Good Music

smooth gameplay

graphics can look like anything. i am more interested with the music, along with a smooth gameplay experience meaning none laggy servers, smooth attack animations, etc.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions! :)What's a good Fantasy Mmo?
I have not played any of these, but I suggest the following:


Everquest 2

Lord of the Rings OnlineWhat's a good Fantasy Mmo?鈥?/a>

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What's a good Fantasy Mmo?
It's tough to recommend a specific MMO game, because everyone likes something different. A game I love you may not. Check out for a huge list of these free mmorpg / mmo games. I personally use that site to find new games to play. Every few days I try a new game :) - It's a lot of fun because I try everything. They have like every single MMORPG categorized nicely with reviews, screenshots, videos and more. Heck they even list the game's system requirements!. Best part is all the games are free, which rocks.

They have a huge section for "no download" browser MMORPGs too! All with screenshots and reviews!

  • channel 5 weather
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  • What is a good MMO to play?

    I am looking for a new MMO to play, dont mind if its F2P or P2P as long as its a good game.

    I have played the following, please do not suggest them:

    World of Warcraft

    Age of Conan

    Dark Age of Camelot

    Warhammer Online

    Eve Online

    Please leave suggestions and if possible a little about the game (pvp or pve based) and why you like it.

    Thanks in advance!What is a good MMO to play?
    runescape? its kinda fun its a lil slow but its, fun? i geuss lol is the site =]

    gl on finding that gameWhat is a good MMO to play?
    Everquest 2

    Im looking for a MMO to play? doesnt have to be free..not runescape though :P?

    yeah im looking for a mmo to play with one of my currently playing WoW but he doesnt want to play with me cos some unknown reason :P but yeah i was thinking of something like lineage 2 or warhammer online but i dunno about them..preferably a game that has a bit more PvP than Wow but has graphics like wow cos i looked at lineage 2 and that has cool pvp action but i think you have to like click to move the character or something and not use the keyboard like wow yeah thanks if you answer :P lolIm looking for a MMO to play? doesnt have to be free..not runescape though :P?
    FlyFF...Free and fun!
    I think Guild Wars might be similar. I have never played it, though. Just a suggestion.Im looking for a MMO to play? doesnt have to be free..not runescape though :P?
    Sherwood Dungeon -

    Dark Throne -
    Go to its the best place EVER! play tales of pirates in it its the best game EVER! and go to dream isalnd/rainbow isle so i can meet u there my user is Godzilla3 Everything is free excecpt item mal which u dont need to worry about now....

    REALLY PLAY IT ITS LIKETHE BEST FOR ME! I CAN never ever stop!im lv 51 by the way.Im looking for a MMO to play? doesnt have to be free..not runescape though :P?
    Guild Wars was, alright. Got boring like Runescape. I suggest avoiding WoW because... Highly addictive and no one can quit it. If you hold out for a few months Warhammer online will be coming out. Looks great, plus it has PvP and the world needs PvP. But you can always check out, Rakion.
    Try guild wars, your run of the mill fanatasy dungeons and dragons, knights and princess kind of thing

    EVE:online, you run of the mill sci-fi pew pew laser space ship game

    both are MMORPG's, and by run of the mill I mean the they're good, jsut letting you know there could be archetypes in there, nothing wrong with following a formula as long as theres some innovation.

    formula like a game about a character who can move around an expanse world could be a formula?

    eh, whatever heres a couple of games ^_^

    I know eve has a free-trial, I'd imagine the other would to
    what is your WoW account ill add you

    plus try maple story it takes a while to download though

    Dungeon Runners is free for simple access - a monthly fee gets you access to better gear and the bank - MUCH better than runescape or maplestory:

    Lineage2 is good, and you don't HAVE to click to move. It's just an option. - Guild Wars has the same controls. It tends to be an asian/consol game mechanism.

    Continuing on the NCsoft thread of MMOs there is also Tabula Rasa that just came out in the past couple of days if you are interested in a non-fantasy game.

    Another fun fantasy MMO is Dungeon and Dragons Online, but there is really no PvP if that is a requirement for you.

    Lineage2 and GuildWars I think are the heaviest PvP games currently played.

    What is the best pvp MMO?

    I'm looking for a MMO with good graphics.. like Huxley. Something with really really good pvp and graphics.

    Games i've tried:

    Warhammer online

    Ragnarok online

    EVE online

    Cabal online


    rohan online

    and alot of others I can't remember.

    I have 2.5gb RAM and a geforce 9800 GTX graphics card. I'm willing to try anything, P2P, F2P, MMORPG, MMOFPS, anything. I just want really good pvp and graphics. Please and thanks :)What is the best pvp MMO?
    Hi, for the best pvp MMO, I will recommend you Conquer Online. unlike other MMOs in which the result of PK is solely decided by level and gear, Conquer Online鈥檚 PK system requires the highly skillful control technique.

    But its graphics is dated. You can go its official site and have a look.

    Actually, if you want graphics, go with offline play. Online play, especially PvP, needs to have low graphics in order to allow the people to play with each other no matter the computer type. When you reach so high in poly count, or have too high textures, the game lags, and I highly doubt you want lag. Even if you have a supercomputer, it will lag if the person you are playing against has a low card, so you want the games with lower graphics. In these cases, there is no middle ground.

    BTW, lag in MMOs is seen as jumping and/or teleportation.What is the best pvp MMO?
    Warhammer is good if you enjoy PVP

    Age of Conan is good if you want high end graphics

    NWN 1 or 2 is good if you want Role Playing

    Call of Duty 4 is good if you want first person shooter

    Darkfall has potential but is not out yet, same goes for knights of the old republic.
    Definately would buy Call of Duty 4 for online multiplayer.. i play this all the time, this and Runescape... runescape took alot for my character to become able to kill well. 96 att 96 str 99 def 99 rang 99 hp 70 prayer, 95 mage and 68 summon (summon is ftl imo).What is the best pvp MMO?
    If your looking for good graphics id go for Age Of Conan but if your looking for fun World of Warcraft is your ticket:)
    Wait for Darkfall, its coming in the year 2009

    I'll let you do the research yourself.

    Try to find here

    have fun!

    Is Warhammer 40K right for me?

    After years of playing MMO games and no real life interactions. I decided to try something different. After researching Warhamer 40K its exactly what im looking for. But the problem is how much is it going to cost. Evan a decent army is pricey. I don't want to make a large purchase and find out its not for me. Is there like a hand-me-down armies i can buy at discount?Is Warhammer 40K right for me?

    Warhammer 40k is a good game but is not perfect. The price being a huge negative factor. I would buy the 5th edition starter set and see what you think. It is a good deal in my opinion. You get some Space Marines and Orks. Also, a mini version of the rulebook (it has all the rules they just removed all the backstory from it)

    I purchase most of my army from ebay. You can sometimes find a good deal. Do you know what army you want to play? If so you may want to page through that armies codex (army rule book) and see what you think.

    Start out small. You dont need to have a grand army to start off with. Start off with 500 points. An HQ and two troop choices. Then after you get the hand of that start adding thinks little bit at a time.

    Also see if you an find a group that plays. They most likely wont mind running a demo game for you using their models.
    I agree with using Ebay to purchasing an army but do your research first (Current or still usable figs, if the army you purchasing is similar to what you want and your playing style) and don't buy a

    Baneblades first or second or third or.... They are too expensive if cost is an issue and is for a HUGE (apocalypse size games) size games.

    Another route if you have issue of used items, suggest finding a "good" friend and split the two starter sets so you both can get a rule book and templates. It's $60 for a lot of stuff, the regular rule book is $50 by itself. you get all the pretty picture and fluff but small compact rulebook is a necessity by itself.Is Warhammer 40K right for me?
    DO NOT buy a Baneblade unless you're completely committed to purchasing a massive army.

    Baneblades are for another game called "Apocalypse", where people bring there huge armies and fight battles in the tens of thousands of points.

    If you're looking for cheap stuff, I think the best place would be Ebay. I've seen Warhammer stuff for incredibly low prices there.
    Ebay Ebay Ebay! The best thing about that is you will probably find already painted miniatures. I never played myself (I am more of a LARP and tabletop girl myself) but I would paint my exes little guys for him. Time consuming but a lot of fun!Is Warhammer 40K right for me?
    There's no denying that building a 40k army from scratch is pricey. However, there are a lot of positives for going with this game system over others. For a start, it's the world's most popular tabletop wargame. Whilst other games, like Confrontation, AT-43, Warmachine or Flames of War, have their dedicated fans (and are all excellent games) it can be much harder to find an opponent than it is to find an opponent for Warhammer 40k or Warhammer Fantasy Battles. And if you're after some productive social interaction, then finding good quality opponents (probably at a wargaming club) must be a priority.

    Another advantage - that links back to price - is that it's possible to make substantial savings on your armies if you buy clever. For a start, if you want brand new models, you can find retailers online and on eBay all over the world who will offer discounts on the RRP of up to 25%. In the UK, I recommend In the US, There's a good one in Oz, too, but I forget it's name at the moment.

    You can do very well starting with the "Assault on Black Reach" boxed set that offers almost 拢200 of miniatures, plus rulebook, dice, tape measure and and templates for only 拢60 (or less if you visit one of the abovementioned online stores).

    If you don't mind gong second hand, then it's easy to pick up miniatures cheap on eBay, although you'll need patience and care to get the best deals. If you're prepared to invest in some good quality paint stripper and the time to use it, then you'll do well. There are lots of products for stripping paint from plastic without damaging it. The best I've found is SuperStrip from

    You may also like to trawl reputable trading sites like for bargains.

    Just as a final point, you can't really build an army around a Baneblade. Lovely though the model is, it doesn't have a place in a conventional army, even in the imminent new Imperial Guard codex (due out next month!). Baneblades are strictly for Apocalypse games.

    Need a new MMO to play?

    I've been playing WoW since release. So far I've tried out Guild Wars, Warhammer, Age of Conan, and the Champion's Online Beta.

    I am BORED of WoW. The only reason I've stuck around for the past year are because of the friends I've made. But even that isn't enough to make me log in anymore, but I'm still looking for a new MMO to try out.

    I'm really interested in the old school fantasy games, swords, spells and what not. A good story line starts me off well, but I usually find that PvP is what keeps me going in a game. I have a beast machine, I can run 3 or 4 copies of WoW full everything and not lag a bit so I'm interested in a game with top of the line graphics. I also love working economies in games. And to cap it off, I would really like a game where players drop items in PvP.

    If anyone knows of anything that meets most or all of these criteria please gimme a link to the site, I'd love to check it out. ThanksNeed a new MMO to play?
    i was same way i quit wow and sense then i havent found any thing to catch my attention the same as it did best thing to do is just take a break from mmo for a bit and try to find 1 after few months ull have a better out look on it and probly will have a bit more options or u can just wait for the new starwars mmo thats being realsed some time next centry
    I used to play Runescape; It doesn't meet all your requirements, but it's definitely got the most to offer for free of any game I've tried, and you don't have to download or install it, so why not check it out?

    www.runescape.comNeed a new MMO to play?
    i know of my two favorites. Flyff and Rappelz

    beware these games tend to be addicting.
    Mabinogi,Maplestory They don't have all of the qualities you're looking for, but give them a shot.Need a new MMO to play?
    Good pvp game is Gunz and Rakion Gotta be smart fast and quick to draw :3 sadly players dont drop
    Aion has some promise... then again thats what I thought about Age of conan.. haha
  • crab shack
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  • Which MMO game has a lot of players and a big map?

    I'm looking for an mmo game that has A LOT of players so i have competition and also a big map where there's a lot of different places to train and level up. Also, I don't like games where you would quest to collect money and exp. I would rather have a game where you kill monsters and grind it out to level and gain money.

    I've played and quitted:

    Runescape( lvl 118, too boring after a while )

    Flyff(skill system sucked, map too small)

    Warhammer( questing game... i hate doing quests for exp and money)

    Runes of magic( questing game...)

    Silkroad(not enough players to compete with)

    Rappelz( small small small map.)

    Fiesta( not enough players)

    Cabal(not enough players at that time, i played beta)

    Maplestory(I dont really know why i quit, theres something about it lol)

    Mabinogi(not enough players)

    That's all I can think of right now. Please let me know if theres a fun, adventurous game out there with LOTS of players and a big map. Also, im willing to buy a game as long as its not a questing game like Warhammer or WoW. I really dislike questing games.

    Thanks.Which MMO game has a lot of players and a big map?
    Sherwood Dungeon

    -Big Map

    -Similar to WoW


    -Level up

    -Lots of people

    -No Download


    *I haven't played this in over a year. Now I would assume they would have done a lot of updates to it so... Have Fun!!*

    Asda Story (new game but its growing really fast)

    Wonder King

    Luna Online


    And S4 League

    And theres wayyy more on this list of MMO's

    (i only look at the ones with the green box at the left... of course with some exceptions)

    ALSO IF U DONT NEED UR RUNESCAPE ACCOUNT ANYMORE ILL TAKE IT (email my the info at But thats only if u wantWhich MMO game has a lot of players and a big map?
    Try Last Chaos. Pretty good for a free game. :)
    You could try Free Realms, there's a lot of players, a big map, and some fighting. Try it.Which MMO game has a lot of players and a big map?
    I would recommend Ultima Online.

    It was created for the pay-to-play market so alot of excellent work went into it. But now it has over 300 free player run servers which have each improved the game in some particular direction.

    It has 5 complete world maps any one of which would keep you busy for many months. You can become an adventurer and do quests which is where the best magic items come from altho most dont do that. You can also be a crafter blacksmith, tinkerer, leather tailor, carpenter, and many more. You can be mage, archer, swordsman, paladin, ninja, animal trainer, etc.

    Me personally I prefer to just be a gatherer. The crafters need lots of material. I have a house in the wilderness near a travel gate. I kill animals and birds for meat, different types of leather, feathers for arrows. I also fish, and lumberjack, and mine for ore. Im able to sell it all very nicely or barter it with the adventurers for some of that nice magic equipment.

    After much searching thru the free servers I ended up at Shazzys Shard. Its adult run (husband and wife), low on pkilling, lots of added materials and crafts, and very uncrowded.

    What should i get (mmo game)?

    hi ppl

    im thinking of getting a new mmo game cause im beginning 2 get board from wow

    so im thinking of getting 1 of those 3 games

    1) age of conan

    2)lord of the rings online

    3)warhammer age of reckoning

    i rlly like lotr but the graphics of the game is a bit outdated i guess

    so if u were me, what will u get??What should i get (mmo game)?
    DO NOT get age of conan. I got it because I wanted to quit wow, and hated it.

    I would say Warhammer, I haven't tried it, but I would say it's the best out of those three.
    Get perfect world.What should i get (mmo game)?

    Do you like PVP?

    In warhammer, you can level through pvp but it's graphics are bad, and I've heard it gets boring at level 40(I only played till 15)
    Look at for a directory of free MMOs and MMORPGs. If you'd prefer to see a massive 'list' with reviews / exp rate / playerbase and such check out

    I use that site to find new games to play / read up on ones I heard about. Good resource.What should i get (mmo game)?
    Get this:鈥?/a>

    What am I better off getting for MMO gaming?

    I can either get: A Corsair 2GB DDR2 Desktop Memory (RAM), and a NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS OC Graphics Card.

    OR the RAM and an updated processor..

    The processor i have right now is a intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.40Ghz

    Which mix will allow me to run MMO's such as World of Warcraft and Warhammer Online smoothly? (Doesn't necessarily have to be on the highest detail in game) Thanks.

    Also, will i be able to install the graphics card and the 2GB of RAM on my windows XP home edition computer?What am I better off getting for MMO gaming?
    buy a lenovo there Gaming computer come with every thing built in or get a alien ware there expensive but good

    What am I better off getting for MMO gaming?

    I can either get: A Corsair 2GB DDR2 Desktop Memory (RAM), and a NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS OC Graphics Card.

    OR the RAM and an updated processor..

    The processor i have right now is a intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.40Ghz

    Which mix will allow me to run MMO's such as World of Warcraft and Warhammer Online smoothly? (Doesn't necessarily have to be on the highest detail in game) Thanks.What am I better off getting for MMO gaming?
    Okay, I'm having the same problem, so I'll try to help you out.

    The RAM would definitely help A LOT. A lot of gaming is carried by the RAM, but then again so is the graphics card. This is probably your best bet, because your processor is pretty decent to play World of Warcraft and whatnot.

    So, I'd say the first choice. It'd help a lot. But then again, having all of what you mentioned up there is a sure thing. So maybe buy one first, then save for the other.

    What am I better off getting for MMO gaming?

    I can either get: A Corsair 2GB DDR2 Desktop Memory (RAM), and a NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS OC Graphics Card.

    OR the RAM and an updated processor..

    The processor i have right now is a intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.40Ghz

    Which mix will allow me to run MMO's such as World of Warcraft and Warhammer Online smoothly? (Doesn't necessarily have to be on the highest detail in game) Thanks.

    Also, will i be able to install the graphics card and the 2GB of RAM on my windows XP home edition computer?What am I better off getting for MMO gaming?
    the more ram u can get the better. graphics cards help too but i think the proccessor would do more for you. honestly i have 2 gigs of ram in a bare bones ultraportable laptop that runs WoW just fine. try upgrading your ram before you spend more money on processors and graphics cards

    ask the folks at best buy they're helpful as far as what u can install.What am I better off getting for MMO gaming?
    We can't give you a good answer until you edit your post and say what your current video card is. Also be aware that upgrading your processor may require upgrading your motherboard as well.
  • car stereo
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  • What am I better off getting for MMO gaming?

    Should i get two 2GB's of RAM (total of 4GB of RAM)

    Or one 2GB of RAM and and a graphics card that can be supported by a sis 650 motherboard.

    Which mix will allow me to run MMO's such as World of Warcraft and Warhammer online smoothly?

    I currently only have 256MB of RAM and a Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.40 GHz and not sure what graphics card i have...

    Also, can someone link me to a website that has a list of graphics cards that are compatible with my motherboard? Thanks.What am I better off getting for MMO gaming?
    Well as you probably know you definitely are in need of more RAM to even be capable of running those games. I'd say that four gigs would certainly be sufficient, as well as beneficial for the future. Your processor is definitely capable, perhaps above average.

    Assuming you get a decent graphics card you should be set.

    What am I better off getting for MMO gaming?

    I can either get: A Corsair 2GB DDR2 Desktop Memory (RAM), and a NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS OC Graphics Card.

    OR the RAM and an updated processor..

    The processor i have right now is a intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.40Ghz

    Which mix will allow me to run MMO's such as World of Warcraft and Warhammer Online smoothly? (Doesn't necessarily have to be on the highest detail in game) Thanks.What am I better off getting for MMO gaming?
    well the thing about those 2 games. they dont really require a high demand of a updated rig. like you can play WoW and warhammer probly with a 7 series geforce. but srsly they both would be find. age of conan might push it... a little but yeah.

    What am I better off getting for MMO gaming?

    I can either get: A Corsair 2GB DDR2 Desktop Memory (RAM), and a NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS OC Graphics Card.

    OR the RAM and an updated processor..

    The processor i have right now is a intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.40Ghz

    Which mix will allow me to run MMO's such as World of Warcraft and Warhammer Online smoothly? (Doesn't necessarily have to be on the highest detail in game) Thanks.What am I better off getting for MMO gaming?
    The RAM and the graphics card.

    Your processor is decent, you wont have a problem running WoW or Warhammer.

    What am I better off getting for MMO gaming?

    Should i get two 2GB's of RAM (total of 4GB of RAM)

    Or one 2GB of RAM and and a graphics card that can be supported by a sis 650 motherboard.

    Which mix will allow me to run MMO's such as World of Warcraft and Warhammer online smoothly?

    I currently only have 256MB of RAM and a Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.40 GHz and not sure what graphics card i have...

    Also, can someone link me to a website that has a list of graphics cards that are compatible with my motherboard? Thanks.What am I better off getting for MMO gaming?
    To get your graphics card model do this then post it for us:

    Press your start button.

    If you have Vista type in the search dxdiag.

    If you have XP open Run then type dxdiag.

    Open DXDiag.

    Click the Display tab located at the top beside System.

    Tell us the Name of the card and the Manufacturer.

    Apart from that 2.4GHz isn't that bad, But I would go for the RAM (Depending upon your graphics card). It also depends if you use programs in the background of your MMO's or if you use programs with your MMO's. If you do then definetley get the RAM.What am I better off getting for MMO gaming?
    i would say a 2gb memory card would work well for both games and you can never go overboard with a graphics card so i'd say option twoWhat am I better off getting for MMO gaming?
    Warhammer Online

    Will this computer run MMO'S smoothly?

    Soon, I will have a

    Nvidia GEForce 8400 GS 512MB GDDR2 PCI Graphics Card.

    A Corsair 2GB DDR2 (RAM)

    My current Processor is a intel(R) Celeron(R) 2.40GHz CPU.

    Broadband Connection.

    With these specs will I be able to run MMO's such as World of Warcraft and Warhammer Online smoothly? Thanks.

    P.S Im talking specifically for online gaming.Will this computer run MMO'S smoothly?
    Yeah of course, just by having NVIDIA every game will run smoothly
  • vocelli
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  • Will this computer run MMO'S smoothly?

    Soon, I will have a

    Nvidia GEForce 8400 GS 512MB GDDR2 PCI Graphics Card.

    A Corsair 2GB DDR2 (RAM)

    My current Processor is a intel(R) Celeron(R) 2.40GHz CPU.

    Broadband Connection.

    With these specs will I be able to run MMO's such as World of Warcraft and Warhammer Online smoothly? Thanks.

    P.S Im talking specifically for online gaming.Will this computer run MMO'S smoothly?
    WoW is a game that doesn't require alot of your computer. You will surely be able to run it at max specs very smoothly. For Warhammer, I have no idea.

    Will this computer run MMO'S smoothly?

    Soon, I will have a

    Nvidia GEForce 8400 GS 512MB GDDR2 PCI Graphics Card.

    A Corsair 2GB DDR2 (RAM)

    My current Processor is a intel(R) Celeron(R) 2.40GHz CPU.

    Broadband Connection.

    With these specs will I be able to run MMO's such as World of Warcraft and Warhammer Online smoothly? Thanks.

    P.S Im talking specifically for online gaming.Will this computer run MMO'S smoothly?
    The RAM could be better, but I think you'd be fine.
    You should be fine, consider WoW's requirements:

    OS: Windows XP / Windows Vista (with latest Service Packs)


    Minimum: Intel Pentium 4 1.3 GHz or AMD Athlon XP 1500+

    Recommended: Dual-core processor, such as the Intel Pentium D or AMD Athlon 64 X2

    Memory:Minimum: 512 MB RAM (1GB for Vista users)

    Recommended: 1 GB RAM (2 GB for Vista users)

    Video:Minimum: 3D graphics processor with Hardware Transform and Lighting with 32 MB VRAM Such as an ATI Radeon 7200 or NVIDIA GeForce 2 class card or better

    Recommended: 3D graphics processor with Vertex and Pixel Shader capability with 128 MB VRAM Such as an ATI Radeon X1600 or NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT class card or better

    Sound: DirectX-compatible sound card or motherboard sound capability

    Mac System Requirements

    OS: Mac OS X 10.4.11 or newer

    Processor: Minimum: PowerPC G5 1.6 GHz or Intel Core Duo processor

    Recommended: Intel 1.8GHz processor or better

    Memory: Minimum: 1 GB RAM

    Recommended: 2 GB RAM

    Video: Minimum: 3D graphics processor with Hardware Transform and Lighting with 64 MB VRAM Such as an ATI Radeon 9600 or NVIDIA GeForce Ti 4600 class card or better

    Recommended: 3D graphics processor with Vertex and Pixel Shader capability with 128 MB VRAM Such as an ATI Radeon X1600 or NVIDIA 7600 class card or better

    Will this computer run MMO'S smoothly?
    Yes, Ive run FFXI on my 3 year old laptop and it never lagged. You'll be fine
    Yea It will doa for a year or so i suspect.

    Stop repeating the question.Will this computer run MMO'S smoothly?
    MMOs are designed to run on as many systems as possible; it's just a matter of how well. You should be able to run most MMOs at decent settings.

    To be sure, though, you can go to once you have the system, and it will tell you if you meet minimum and recommended system requirements for many games before you purchase them.
    with the 8400GS dont expect to run newer MMOs at max settings, but at the right settings, you should be able to run it at 60FPS. WoW and warhammer will not run at max settings with the 8400GS graphics card.

    Consider upgrading the card.

    Will this computer run MMO'S smoothly?

    Soon, I will have a

    Nvidia GEForce 8400 GS 512MB GDDR2 PCI Graphics Card.

    A Corsair 2GB DDR2 (RAM)

    My current Processor is a intel(R) Celeron(R) 2.40GHz CPU.

    Broadband Connection.

    With these specs will I be able to run MMO's such as World of Warcraft and Warhammer Online smoothly? Thanks.

    P.S Im talking specifically for online gaming.Will this computer run MMO'S smoothly?
    Your system can run World Of Warcraft easily. I doubt that you would run into many problems running just about any MMO on your system.

    You can always turn the video settings if you run into problems.

    Will this computer run MMO'S smoothly?

    Soon, I will have a

    Nvidia GEForce 8400 GS 512MB GDDR2 PCI Graphics Card.

    A Corsair 2GB DDR2 (RAM)

    My current Processor is a intel(R) Celeron(R) 2.40GHz CPU.

    Broadband Connection.

    With these specs will I be able to run MMO's such as World of Warcraft and Warhammer Online smoothly? Thanks.

    P.S Im talking specifically for online gaming.Will this computer run MMO'S smoothly?
    Ya you're cool.

    Will this computer run MMO'S smoothly?

    Soon, I will have a

    Nvidia GEForce 8400 GS 512MB GDDR2 PCI Graphics Card.

    A Corsair 2GB DDR2 (RAM)

    My current Processor is a intel(R) Celeron(R) 2.40GHz CPU.

    Broadband Connection.

    With these specs will I be able to run MMO's such as World of Warcraft and Warhammer Online smoothly? Thanks.

    P.S Im talking specifically for online gaming.Will this computer run MMO'S smoothly?
    Yeah it should. 2GB of RAM normally run fast. Mines does.
  • madden nfl 08
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  • Will this computer run MMO'S smoothly?

    Soon, I will have a

    Nvidia GEForce 8400 GS 512MB GDDR2 PCI Graphics Card.

    A Corsair 2GB DDR2 (RAM)

    My current Processor is a intel(R) Celeron(R) 2.40GHz CPU.

    Broadband Connection.

    With these specs will I be able to run MMO's such as World of Warcraft and Warhammer Online smoothly? Thanks.

    P.S Im talking specifically for online gaming.Will this computer run MMO'S smoothly?
    Yeah dude... I play MMO'S with GeForce 7100, 512 of RAM, 80 GB HDD, 3.20GHz... And i dont have any problems, no lagg and all... You will not have problem 100%

    Edit: About connection, i have 1mbit and i dont have lag... Just go and play dont care, be sure that everyting is gonna be fine...Will this computer run MMO'S smoothly?
    Your Celeron is a bit week, but yeah they should play fine.Will this computer run MMO'S smoothly?
    yeah those specs are fine for MMOs

    p.s. get world of warcraft over warhammer
    yeah wtf hahah

    Will this computer run MMO'S smoothly?

    Soon, I will have a

    Nvidia GEForce 8400 GS 512MB GDDR2 PCI Graphics Card.

    A Corsair 2GB DDR2 (RAM)

    My current Processor is a intel(R) Celeron(R) 2.40GHz CPU.

    Broadband Connection.

    With these specs will I be able to run MMO's such as World of Warcraft and Warhammer Online smoothly? Thanks.

    P.S Im talking specifically for online gaming.Will this computer run MMO'S smoothly?
    oh , i am also not sure with your expressions here!Will this computer run MMO'S smoothly?
    Not sure about warhammer, but it'll handle WOW just fine.

    Will this computer run MMO'S smoothly?

    Soon, I will have a

    Nvidia GEForce 8400 GS 512MB GDDR2 PCI Graphics Card.

    A Corsair 2GB DDR2 (RAM)

    My current Processor is a intel(R) Celeron(R) 2.40GHz CPU.

    Broadband Connection.

    With these specs will I be able to run MMO's such as World of Warcraft and Warhammer Online smoothly? Thanks.

    P.S Im talking specifically for online gaming.Will this computer run MMO'S smoothly?
    Most MMO'S don't require a high end PC to run them so you should be fine from what spec.s you posted. They look to be above what it would take.

    What would you recommend for a fantastic Gaming Computer?

    My budget would be $1500 to $1600. I am planning on getting one custom built. So I'm looking for part recommendations, monitor recommendations, etc...

    -Currently I want to play Warhammer Online at max settings.

    -I would like a computer that will be able to handle any games (Particularly MMO's) that will come out in the foreseeable future perfectly.

    Thank you so much for your help! Simply put I want a kick a$$ computer that will laugh at anything thrown at (within my budget lol). Thanks!What would you recommend for a fantastic Gaming Computer?
    If you want Kick A@SS, then look at the new Intel i7 CPU and and an ASUS Rampage II extreme motherboard:


    This is one honkin' mobo! Expensive! Around $450 but you get EVERYTHING.


    This takes you to the Intel Gamer site, but the most cost effective CPU right now is the i7 920 for around $330.

    The motherboard can run EITHER SLI or Crossfire which means you can go nVidia OR ATI, at your pleasure. I would recommend ATI's Radeon HD 4850 card @ $179 each which is far more cost effective than the nVidia GTX 280 or GTX 295 cards which are over twice as expensive each. This way, you get great game play at a VERY effective cost. If you want, you can up the ante a little bit and got with Radeon HD 4870 in Crossfire mode, each card is about $330.

    I would just rely on standard motherboard sound, but if you just have to have it, buy a XI-FI card. I think its a waste myself, but that is my opinion.

    This motherboard takes up to 24 Gigs of RAM, so if you wanted to be very hot, you could go 12 Gigs (two Tri-channel pairs) for 12 Gigs of RAM. Make sure you read the specs carefully to understand which memory is best. You might want to download the motherboard manual before making any decisions, and look up the latest BIOS update and see what problems the board has been patched for. Of course it will be the problem of the person who puts it together for you to get it all working right.

    I would also look at getting a couple of Western Digital Velociraptor 10,000 RPM hard disks.

    I would go with an ANTEC or Corsair PSU, at least 800 Watts and make sure that the PSU is SLI or Crossfire CERTIFIED!

    Finally, I think a CD/DVD +/- Writer, I prefer Pioneer brand myself, very steady, never had one burn out on me - and or LiteON, is the other one I like.

    Take a look at the NEW, ANTEC 900 II, for a case.

    And you can get a 24" LCD now for as low as $259 - Isaw one the other day in my local newspaper at Fry's on sale for $259 - do not know the brand.

    You might have to increase your budget a smidge to fit all this in, but if you want that kick *** computer, this is what you will decide to do.What would you recommend for a fantastic Gaming Computer?
    i dont know about brands, but here are some good specs.

    4. ghz cpu quand core

    3 gigs of ram

    1 terabyte hard drive

    1 gig of vram

    What should I buy to be able to play MMO's such as WOW and Warhammer Online?

    Well, the Computer i have right now is a windows XP Home Edition and I haven't bought anything internal for it. Don't really know much about computers but im thinking of buying the following:;st=graphics+card%26amp;type=product%26amp;id=1218004430629

    And also this:;type=product%26amp;id=1200703058743

    If you don't want to click on them then 1 is a graphics card and the other is 2GB of RAM...

    I also have a Intel (R) Celeron (R) CPU 2.40Ghz Processor

    Will buying these items and having this processor enable me to be able to Play MMO's such as world of warcraft and WarHammer Online Age of Reckoning smoothly? I've looked through the system requierments for each game but im not sure about it though...Would like to know for sure before i just go out and buy stuff. Thanks In advance! AND, if not, then please tell me or link me to what i should buy to allow me to play games such as these smoothly

    P.S: If you have WoW, or Warhammer Online, feel free to give me a little review of it and how much you like it Thanks.What should I buy to be able to play MMO's such as WOW and Warhammer Online?
    well I would choose Runescape outta all of this


    But on WOW you should buy it its pretty sick if you got friends who play it
  • minn kota
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  • What do you think about Warhammer Online?

    I started playing it 2 days ago and I got my Chosen to level 8. I've played many MMO's including Lineage 2, World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, and EQ2. I have to say that I am not impressed with Warhammer. I'm already bored and the quests are not very entertaining. The RvR has gotten boring and the combat system is pathetic in my opinion. Anyways, I logged out and don't feel like logging back in. What do you guys think of the game so far? Am I missing something?What do you think about Warhammer Online?
    I played it and liked it a lot, well, I liked the public quests a lot, problem was that I could only enjoy that for a few days, after that, the public quest areas were almost empty and I could never end them. I'm not into PvP so can't comment on that, but I did like the quests a lot, better than those in WoW.What do you think about Warhammer Online?
    what is the link of warhammer online? i will try it and tell you what ii think!What do you think about Warhammer Online?
    I feel the exact same way. I played in the beta for a little bit, and was bored from the get go. Nothing original there in my opinion, that wasn't already in WOW or another game that I had played. I laughed when one of the guys at work told me that it was the WOW-Killer.

    Its boring, sad, and will only draw away the PVP addicts that I detest on WOW already.

    World of warcraft vs Warhammer (good argument)?

    My gripes with WoW are the lack of innovation and failure development wise. If you're going to steal from someone's lore, either 1)give credit or 2)don't butcher it and make it crap.

    There's this cool idea called originality, Blizzard lacks it and I think it's slowly beginning to kill the industry as a whole. When the "Giant" of the market is little more than a "rehashing" of everyone else, it bodes ill for the entire market imo. It establishes trends for other developers to follow -- after all, every time they make a game it's a gamble, the goal is to make a profit, have to play the safe route.

    I complain about WoW's incredibly niche endgame. I complain about WoW's kiddy lore. I complain about the horrible writing Blizzard does, completely contradicting itself time after time again. I complain about the fact that the character we play are incredibly over the top powerful, but not in a good way.

    No, you don't feel over-the-top-powerful-badass in WoW, you feel kind of pathetic. The entire game is about numbers, and zerging. There's no honor, no courage, no dignity in taking 25 people to kill one. None at all. Where's the glory in that? There isn't any.

    I complain about Blizzard's inability to maintain even half-decent roleplayers, I complain about the fact that all Blizzard does is create timesinks and then has an elite few flaunt the rewards.

    Not the same time sinks every other MMO does. No, Blizzard gives you a reset and says "okay, this time you can be the best!" And you believe them, and hten you realize "Oh wait...I actually have a job."

    And as far as the Chaos Gods and Mork and Gork being over the top...they're GODS. GODS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE OVER THE TOP. THEY AREN'T MORTAL.

    Over the top? Mazdamundi is over the top. Lord Kroak was over the top. Gotrek is over the top.

    Lord Kroak FOUGHT OFF THE MOST POWERFUL DAEMONS IN THE WORLD TO DIE. He wasn't zerged by 25 pathetic little whelps. It was something BEYOND the players. (Not that it was a player controlled event).

    You know how I wouldn't have complained about Illidan dying? If the encounter resulted in some kind of epic legendary NPC killing Illidan. I'd be okay with that. But I'm not okay with 25 people zerging down a demi-God. Simply because it had no place in the lore.

    In the past, 25 heroes have banded together and banished a Bloodthirster in the Warhammer world. Then you also get Malus darkblade, who just rips their heads off with his bare hands.

    Malus Darkblade also wields the Sword of Khaine and is possessed by a daemon.

    My point is that Warcraft juices-down their heroes to our levels, not brings us up or anything like that.

    My problems aren't the similarities and differences. My problem is Blizzard's failure and their ability to let-down the entire gaming community at large by putting a facade on their game

    Share your thoughts please i agree with this wholeheartedly, let me know what you thinkWorld of warcraft vs Warhammer (good argument)?
    I find the lore (in some place) to be new: Bloodelves loosing their power and becoming mana addicts, Unead plague making a telepathically undead army, or Dranei fleeing to Azeroth form demons. Its better then the space marine that comes up in Halo, Half-life, Doom, Quake, any FPS lol. But the 25 people zerging 1 person is designed to create a social interaction. I do agree that some gear is only given to those chosen few T6 raiders that are mostly anal bastards.World of warcraft vs Warhammer (good argument)?
    Spell check it (found a bit of grammatical mistakes), and if 25 people kill one person for kicks, or if they kill the person by themselves there is no glory, honour or anything at all. Your sitting in your basement playing an MMO for countless hours. Should be interesting telling your kids about it.World of warcraft vs Warhammer (good argument)?
    you got that from an english essay about originality didnt you... come on be honest
    TL;DR babe :D

    What MMO is best out of these?!?!?!?

    I want to know which is the best and funnest MMO out of the following:

    鈥uild Wars


    鈥tar Trek Online

    鈥ge of Conan

    鈥inal Fantasy 11

    鈥hampions Online

    鈥arhammer Online: Age of Reckoning

    鈥tar Wars Galaxies

    鈥ity of Heroes

    Please help!

    PS. Don't say "EVE because I played it and it owns and you should too" because that's noob speak.

    PS. I realise you'll all say the above to pee me off now :PWhat MMO is best out of these?!?!?!?
    guild wars
    I say that Guild Wars.... but try playin RUNESCAPE???What MMO is best out of these?!?!?!?
    Guild Wars Is The top free2play game currently. Runescape stinks. but that is just my opinion
    Champions Online is a great game (fairly new) for the hero comic book lover. Otherwise, Warhammer Online is a 2nd rate World of Warcraft, so I would have to give it the nod.What MMO is best out of these?!?!?!?
    Guild wars because it isn't driven by level or gear. It actually makes you use your brain and pick a build that works because you are limited to 8 skills in combat. Though it's a bit broken with all the Wa/Mo's running around and such, and it's free to play so you're not paying to keep your virginity
    I would have to say EVE because it has the most to offer. You get free game %26amp; expansions (monthly fee only), massive universe with everyone on one server, game depth with a higher learning curve. Also, they are coming out with a new game for consoles called dust 514 that will interact with the new ground aspect of the game so you might want to google that as well. I would elaborate, but I'm a little unfamiliar with the upcoming changes. P.S. Stay away from Star Trek online. Big waste of money.

    Which MMO game to buy?

    Okay i just finished my studies and i have some time on my shoulders.. for like 3 months.. i have another 3 months at october..

    i wanna play a MMO and there are so many new games i dont know wad to get..

    My choices are :

    Age of Conan


    Dont buy anything and wait for Diablo 3 or darkfall...

    I really don't know what to choose.. Please advice a game that would last till the end of the year..

    i really have my head turned to Age of Conan.. anyone who has played it tell me if its worth it not growing money on trees either so i only have one choice. Help me make a decision so at least i can buy collectors edition of AoC if its proven goodWhich MMO game to buy?
    I've heard great things about Age of Conan. I play WoW currently but if I had more money to get a game I'd probably try out Age of Conan.

    But if you're really wanting to get Diablo 3 or Darkfall and are worried you won't have enough money when those games come out, then I would just save my money and wait. No sense in wasting your money on a game you kind of want and then not have any money to buy the game you REALLY want when it comes out.
    If you want to buy aoc gold,you can go to

    If you want to buy aoc gold,you can go to http://www.mmonice.comWhich MMO game to buy?
    I'm personally looking forward to Warhammer online, but I'm a fan of the other Warhammer games, so I'm probably a bit biased. It's really up to you dude.
    Buy Age of Conan, its bloody, mature, an F**king Awesome.Which MMO game to buy?
    Dont buy anything and wait for Diablo 3 is my option. Knew it was Diablo III from day 1 of the splash XD
    I myself don't pay for my MMO's because I play 2moons. Free to play games are fun too. Sorry, that probaly didn't help.
    check out world of warcraft its the most populer online game ever and in my opinion the best

    Need help choosing an MMO for the summer?

    Ok so here's my deal; I'll have 4 months of summer break, will work, have fun, but want to play an mmo a few afternoons each week.

    I played wow and gw till my last high school year, gave up for 2 years, but want to start up. Was looking into wow but the level 80 stuff is degrading.

    So, does anyone have any good ideas of what Mmo's to try out?

    -Immersive, fun.

    -Good PvP.

    -FtP or PtP, idc.

    -A good community.

    -More or less looking for wow but with slightly better mechanics, better graphics, and a more immersive enviroment.

    The only one I've heard of is Aion, so what's your opinion of it? Oh and I also tried Warhammer online a while back, didn't like it (trial version).

    Feedback?Need help choosing an MMO for the summer?
    I have dropped out of WoW completely to play Aion. Aion beats WoW in every way that is important to me; game mechanics, looks, story, systems and a lot more.

    I played WoW since classic up to Wrath and when Aion came out I just dropped it and walked away. I am stuck on Aion and I cannot see myself leaving anytime soon.Need help choosing an MMO for the summer?
    I would say either Aion or World of warcraft. Aion has its bad parts. And WoW has its bad parts. But if I were you I would buy Aion.Need help choosing an MMO for the summer?
    Hun, It's really difficult to recommend a SPECIFIC MMO, because everyone likes something different. Check out for an enormous list of these free mmorpg / mmo games. I use that site to find new games to play. Every week I try a new game ;) - It's a lot of fun. They have like every single MMORPG categorized nicely with reviews, screenshots, videos and more. Heck they even list the game's system requirements ;). Best part is all the games are free, which rocks.

    They list all the big non-download MMORPGs too on their browser game section.

    They just put up a list of the best Free MMORPGs of 2009, so you may want to check that out.鈥?/a>

    Let me know if this answered your question ^_^!!!
  • book clubs
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  • I need a good mmo to play.?

    Okay ive been playing wow for about 2 years and almost 6 months. Im dying of boredom. Im very picky about my MMO's ive tried many and have gotten bored. i have tried EvE/warhammer/Aion/guild wars/vindictus/allods online. I really liked perfect world but i didnt like how the pvp system was set up where you lose an item after you die. Im looking for a game that has the same pvp/combat system wow has with bg's and pvp areas. The game doesnt have to be a F2P im okay with subscriptions (please dont tell me try mmohut ive tried most of these games through them)I need a good mmo to play.?
    u could try Guild Wars 2. Although you'll have to wait till the game comes out. Its gonna be good ^^I need a good mmo to play.?
    darkorbit and seafight are both good mmo's, they are browser games, the graphics arnt that great but they are addictive games, check out some videos and information and get the links to these games at www.onlinegamevids.comI need a good mmo to play.?
    You could try finding some games on Steam
    Dfo by nexon

    Need ideas for new MMO's to play?

    My friends and I have played alot of MMO's and RPG's, but we are looking for something new. Some of the games we played include:

    Everquest 2

    Warhammer Online

    Age of Conan


    Guild Wars

    just to name a few.

    We are looking for a new MMO RPG that we dont need to invest all of our worldly time into, but also have alot of fun,whether solo'ing or grouping for grinding, raiding or questing. The game has to have medium graphics, not too intense because my friends dont have the best of computers, but also not cartoonish low graphics like WoW. Age of Conan and Everquest 2 were good games for us, but EQ2 took to long and we were playing that since its release, and Age of Conan was grt, but its graphics were a little too demanding for my friends computers. If we can get a game in between there, and anyones got any suggestions, i would greatly appreciate it. ThnxNeed ideas for new MMO's to play?
    Hmmmmm Combat Arms, Well.......... yeah
    You just described Runescape.

    Fun but relaxing, many ways to play ie. clans, grinding, questing, medium graphics - not too demanding requirements, free but has cheap membership, huge open world... It really is a great game.Need ideas for new MMO's to play?
    Look at for a directory of free MMOs and MMORPGs. If you'd prefer to see a massive 'list' with reviews / exp rate / playerbase and such check out

    I use that site to find new games to play / read up on ones I heard about. Good resource.
    Adventure Quest Worlds



    BattleonNeed ideas for new MMO's to play?
    try bots or 9 dragons those are good i hear flyff was good and also maple story

    I have decided on my top final choices for an MMO to play, which will it be?

    Ok, I spent a week looking over at all MMO's and spending about 2 hours reviewing each one. Before, I played WoW, and I just got bored of it, no spark left. So here are my top 3 choices.

    1. Guild Wars: Looks very promising. I read a lot about it, and the fact that it's f2p made me into it more. Graphics are the same to WoW, and game is revolved around PvP, and has good Solo game play.

    2. Warhammer Online: It isn't out yet, but it looks amazing. Warhammer has always been a great computer game, and the fact that there was an MMO being released made be curious. The downside is that you pay. I hope it's less than WoW, because I really can't go for more than 10 a month. Game got good previews, heard beta testing was a success. I will go to this game if the price to play is cheap.

    3. Everquest 2: Now, Sony has never failed me before, and when I saw this game was made by Sony, I just had to check it out. It looks alright, but nothing too special. Game got decent reviews. The only downside is the ridiculous amount of expansions there are to get.

    Well, those are my top 3. Pick which one you think is the best in your opinion and why you feel that way. Also if you have any bad comments about the games listed, please say them, as they can greatly influence my decision.

    I will give best answer to whoever can provide the best info on each game. Also, if you want to talk to me out of here..

    My PSN ID is Foghorn755

    My AIM is Kevinnextdoor

    Feel free to send me a shout any time.

    Thank you and goodnight.I have decided on my top final choices for an MMO to play, which will it be?
    Actually as far EverQuest 2 is concerned you can get all the expansions I believe there are three, and the adventure packs about three or four for..... $30 if you download it from the site, but you have to download the stationlauncher and store, a meager thing for such a great game.

    I have done World of Warcraft and I too got bored of it, I also have Guild Wars and too me theres a unique feel to Guild Wars that I just couldn't get.

    But get EverQuest 2. All together for subscription and base game it costs $60 for the first month for me, but it's so worth it.

    To me EverQuest 2 combines the best of WoW and Guild Wars and makes it into one great game.


    1. Unlimited number of spells/attacks(Like World of Warcraft, in Guild Wars you can only have 8 SPELLS/ATTACKS at once while playing in adventure areas.)

    2. About 19 character races (WoW has a good selection while Guild Wars has only Humans.)

    3. 18 Classes here's a small list (WoW again. I believe the base game in GW has only 6 clases, but if you get the TWO expansions it has 8)

    - Paladin



    -Druids(2 types)


    -Guardians (Tank type warriors who take damage

    4. Emotes, well this isn't huge but I wanted to put this in, with the new expansions again only $30 for EQ2 and all three Expansions you can use emotes that use your voice and ones that just animate your character, theres a lot of them I believe over 80

    5. Graphics, to me it has more realistic graphics, better than WoW (but WoW has more stylized cartoon like graphics) and GW.

    6. A high level CAPS. With the expansions I think the level caps is 80, WoW I forgot but with the base game it's only 60 and in Guild Wars the caps for the base game is a very low 20.

    7. Guilds are easy to join in EQ2, if you hit the guild option it gives you a search filter where you can then message the Guild Leader about joining the guild, all in all it took me about 3 minutes, *including conversation) to get into a good guild.

    8. You can buy houses and then put objects in them, I don't believe GW has this option although WoW might I don't think it does either.

    9. Just overall fun

    10. The ability to take up crafts and tradeskills like making potions(alchemy) and mining, gathering, and foresting, and more. GW doesn't really have this in it, but WoW has a lot of professions in it but I think you can only pick two major ones like mining and armor making.

    11. Large number of Quests, Zones, Armor, and Weapons. Plus you can duel wield one-handed swords right off the bat as long as your class can use swords.

    12. Free Exploration. In GW you lack the ability to jump, and most of the time your paths are set in stone and can sometimes make it frustrating since the map doesn't clearly show what paths you can travel on. In EverQuest 2 the map is much more simple and easy to see where you can and can;t go based on terrain, but you can also jump in EverQuest 2

    13. Mounts. There are creatures you can ride in EQ2, I don't think GW has creatures you can ride but WoW does too. Keep in mind though beaing able to get a mount isn't that easy.

    14. Customization, you can choose your chest piece, shoulders, head (goggles to helms and beyond), waist, legs, and feet, as well as hands, forearms, and wrists I believe. You can also equip earring(2) necklaces(1) rings(2) wrists(bracelets,2) and I think a belt of some type, trust me there's a lot of equipment you can put on your character. Plus around 8 slots for bags, and you can have a weapon, off-hand(shield/duel wield) and a ranked weapon and ammo (A bow and arrows, or a thrownweapon belt and shuriken-ninja stars-) There are also throwing axes and knives and one other type I can;t remember right now.))


    1.Not as popular as WoW or GW, but the fan base it loyal and very good.

    2. A little repetitive combat. The combat is okay but normally you hit the same buttons over and over and attack, then again you do that in GW and WoW too.

    In my opinion EverQuest is Awesome though I haven't been playing a long time I have played longer than I played Guild Wars, but not WoW.

    I currently have a level 17 character so I've been indulged into the game good enough to understand it and to me it's much better than GW and WoW, but really you should try it out.

    If you go to you can download the trial, granted it takes a while to download and install but hey better to try it then to just buy it and possibly waster money.

    Again though EverQuest 2 is a great game and I don't think you'll be disappointed.

    Here's a list of some of the charater races

    -Froglock (frog type creatures that walk

    -Erudites (human looking people with more intelligence and a slightly different appearance than humans)


    -Fairy type creatures(One type for good and one for evil

    -Ratonga (small rat creaturss very cute, lol)

    -Kerra (Cat/lion type humanoids)

    -Iksar (Lizard type cretures, which is my main character c

    SWTOR - Rising MMO, or Destined for failure?

    Ive been playing SWTOR (Star wars the old republic) since release, and at face value the game is great. Ive played Vanguard, Rift, WoW (since vanilla), Warhammer, GW etc etc... A lot of other mmos to base my opinions and expectations off of. The graphics and gameplay are solid and fluid - the pvp is for the most part balanced and there is a sufficient amount of pve content for a games beginning stages. While most of these virtues are all we expect from a game im very disappointed to see, what I think are very small issues, dragging this game down and slowly destroying it. From the moment I tried to purchase SWTOR online I was unable to complete my purchase through origin as it read my credit card as a paypal account... I tried several credit cards including my gfs under a different name over a 2 week period - numerous friends had the same issue and had to buy a hard copy. This may be because origin (EA games version of steam) is about as old as SWTOR, in other words - star wars is its guinea pig and they are throwing away customers. This in and of itself didn't stop me from buying the game. Shortly after I bought the game I noted how often maintenance was occurring and at extremely inconvenient times. The game seems to be down twice a week and while not all the shutdowns are for scheduled maintenance, the ones that are should be done at better times. Friday or Saturday night this week during peak hours they close the game for 8 hours... then 2 or 3 days later (tonight) they close the game again - if both of these instances truly were "scheduled maintenance", why weren't they done at the same time? No successful mmo that ive played has ever had scheduled maintenance on a weekend that I can recall. Aside from all the technical issues the game has (there aren't many but the ones that are there are noticeable) it seems like the game lacks discipline. By that I mean a standard to which bioware holds its players and their actions accountable to. I played WoW since release and I was banned 5 times, each and everyone of these bans were earned and I had no quarrel with Blizzard. General **** talking - account theft - exploits and "hacks" - scamming were just a few of the ways I found entertainment in the game. But regardless of what I found myself involved in, WoW seemed to always restore balance and correct my wrong doings. Although I never really "learned my lesson", I was penalized and had to rebuy the game and start all over which was punishment in itself. As I got older I stopped my juvenile antics and began to just play the game for games sake, however my brother who shares my ****** up sense of humor does a lot of the same stunts I used to in SWTOR - not only are his actions unpunished - they aren't even acknowledged. I mean at least WoW pretended to handle the situation and game players a warning from time to time. It to me meant that they were at least reading other players submissions. I don't know, is SWTOR going to let trivial things bring it to its knees - or are these just the ragged beginnings of an MMO super power?SWTOR - Rising MMO, or Destined for failure?

    I hope they will succeed I really do but somehow I doubt it. I love the Star Wars universe and the Old Republic setting but right now I really can't see a bright future for the game. Hell I played one story line (bounty hunter) and wondering if I should subscribe for another month... I really don't know.SWTOR - Rising MMO, or Destined for failure?
    A big company like Blizzard, who's been running WoW for years now, knows how to deal with an online community. Although there are always problems at release, (even with open betas, its impossible to know exactly how the servers will cope,) But I think because Bioware hasn't had as much experience with an MMO of this scale, that also contributes to why there seems to be so many problems. I think you're right, depending on how things play out in the next couple of months, SWTOR will could fade away as players just give up on it, (such as with aion.) Or, it may turn into a good game with a strong community, but a small one, (such as guild wars,) - but I can't see it turning into something as big as WoW. I just never saw as much hype around it as a game such as GW2, and the problems it has will turn away players who were not that invested in the game anyway. TLDR: I think Bioware will iron out the bugs, and it will have a place in the MMO market, but by the time that is done, the player base will have significantly decreased.SWTOR - Rising MMO, or Destined for failure?
    BW made the mistake of trying to copy WoW as many have done.
    They have also made the mistake of thinking modern MMO's can be released with huge issues.
    You will see many people tell you that WoW this and WoW that, but the truth is WoW was an exception to the rule and an argument that starts with but WoW is simply a moot point.
    WoW came out at the right time with just the right content and at a point where bugs were expected.
    The fact is people do not want another WoW or even a game close to it, they want something new, something that is released without the same amount of bugs as a game had 10 years ago.You know learn from the past and do better instead of exactly the same.
    This game wont last very long because BW, like a lot of MMO companies, have no clue what the consumers want, they base themselves off of the WoW model because it makes alot of money, which is incorrect to do.
    All people want is an open world game without a 3 mechanic model, i.e. DPS,heals,tank, it has been overdone and it is stale.

    BW went the other way from the consumers by making it extremely linear, not very open and still having the 3 mechanic model, along with bugs that you would see from a game 10 years ago.

    To me the game seemed like a single player game with multiplayer options instead of an MMO, not worth a monthly fee.

    I would like to note, BW also failed by taking shortcuts such as the 2 .exe's for one application, something that you would never see in any video game because of the issues it causes client side.

    What are some of the best PvP MMO麓s? (help me find a good MMO)?

    Hi, I have been looking for a new MMO to get into but it seems a bit hard to find one with a good PvP system and good endgame content. I have allways been a PvPer in MMO麓s but enjoy the occational brainless grinding

    I used to play EVE Online and that game had one of the best PvP systems i have seen in a MMO but the game can get a boring after playing for a while. It also has endless content and anyone can betray you at any time so it makes it very interesting.

    I also used to play WoW and that game just sucks for anyone interested in PvP action. The PvP system is repetetive with little gain in it. It may take allot of skill to be good at it but in the end the PvP is the same as grinding and makes it no fun. Also the game has no endgame content other than grinding to get better gear so it becomes boring and repetetive very soon.

    I also tryed Rift but that game just seemed like WoW in a new shell and when i asked players how the endgame and PvP was in the game they eather didnt reply, avoided the question or replied in answers like "it's about the journey not the destination". I later found out there wasnt much else to the PvP than battlegrounds and a bit of real world PvP with no gain and no loss. ( I may be wrong about this so please correct me if i am)

    My friends played runescape and it seemed nice but the 2D format turned me away from it aswell as my friends telling me the game had been ruined by limitations.

    Also tryed Age of Conan when it first came out and had some fun but the combat system seemed kind of annoying and bugged at the time so i eventually stopped playing. I heard the game is now ruined and out of hands so havent started playing again but willing to give it a chance if they fixed some of the bugs and changed some of the annoying things in it.

    Some of the games i have been thinking about trying are :

    Warhammer Online.

    Age of Conan.

    Fallen Earth.

    City of Heros/Villains.

    Aion (hear very mixed things about this game)

    Rift (If there is a supprising PvP aspect to the game i didnt hear about i will give it another chance)

    Some of the games im not willing to try or heard not worth playing.

    WoW (Of course)

    Runescape (Tryed it but didnt realy like what i saw)

    Darkfall (A huge disappointment i hear)

    World of Tanks

    Dark Age of Camelot (Hear its dead)

    Battleground Europe: WWII.

    Please tell me what are good MMO麓s that are worth playing.

    Thank youWhat are some of the best PvP MMO麓s? (help me find a good MMO)?
    Aion is the way to go if you are a PvPer. Once you get to about level 20 it's ALL about the pvp. You will have to level in zones that pvp is allowed, and most of the gear you receive is from pvp anyway. Give it a try.What are some of the best PvP MMO麓s? (help me find a good MMO)?
    I'd say darkfall, honestly.You'd have to look it up yourself, whoever you head darkfall is a disappointment from has his head in the gutter. check it out yourself:

    Darkfall, may be the BEST game I have ever played, by far.It'll be your loss for not trying it

    Report Abuse

    What are some of the best PvP MMO麓s? (help me find a good MMO)?
    Well, if you're looking for a free, good pvp mmo. I'd recommend League of legends, even though it isn't a sandbox MMORPG. It's MMORTS and it plays very similarly to Warcraft 3's Dota.

    There is a diverse selection of characters to choose from, and you can own multiple characters at once too! Tanks, dps, assassins, healers, buffers, you name it; each character's play styles are unique and innovative.

    Gameplay trailer:

    It's even a recommended game on this site:

    The graphics are cel-shaded and IMO it's quite decent, the gameplay is one of the BEST IMO out of the free MMOs out there. Definitely give it a shot.

    Signup here:

    Have fun!
    All the games you mentioned are MMORPGs. Do you only want MMORPGs? If you do only want RPGs, I'm afraid there isn't much else. You can also try Guild Wars. It's a B2P game, but is considered a very strategic PvP MMORPG game.

    However, if you meant generic MMOs, there are plenty of other PvP orientated games. One of which is League of Legends, which is the only game I currently play.
  • extreme pizza
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  • WoW vs warhammer online?

    I mean the top most MMO, but wich is better? In terms or graphics, fun, complexity and interface, economy costimisation, cool classes and profesionls and spells ect...

    People are claming warhammer is a WoW killer but meany opios that... also whats the cheapest and how do you feel about guild wars - the free MMO? Also whats you all time favurite MMO?? Thanks ;)WoW vs warhammer online?
    Wow is the best... especially if you've never played an MMO before.

    Great game although the Pvp really is horrible and lacks any diversity, scope, meaning, or balance when compared to older games (ie Planetside, Eve, Neocron, SWG, AO, UO).
    wow is the best,i know elygame has a promotion now,the wow is gold is at the lowest price,also fast delivery,try here vs warhammer online?
    my entire arena / pvp group was psyched for warhammer, we got about level 8 and went back to wow
    WoW will consume your soul, dont play itWoW vs warhammer online?
    WoW ftw but idk i kinda want to strt warhammer...

    Best casual MMO for PC?

    I've done, Final fantasy XI online and it took waaaay too much time.

    Then I did Guild Wars which also took too much time to farm for money.

    Then I did Warhammer Online which I find too addicting and time-consuming too.

    Is there a nice, simple, casual MMO out there for the PC (I don't care if there's a monthly fee or not)Best casual MMO for PC?

    Try to find here

    You will find Casual MMO麓s, recomended MMO麓s and much more

    have fun!

    What do you think is the Best mmo?

    I've played WoW CoH/CoV and guild wars just wanted to know if there are some other good ones worth checking out

    I'll name a few popular titles

    World of warcraft

    Warhammer online


    Guild Wars

    City of heroes/villains

    Lord of the rings

    Age of Conan

    champions online (if you've played this let me know how it is)What do you think is the Best mmo?
    The best MMO I've played so far is Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. Far better than LOTRO and Age of Conan, it's more of a successor to original Everquest than EQ2 was.

    WoW... meh, I never liked their easy mode/solo everything then PVP approach. Of the new games, Aion looks really cool and I plan to try that.

    I haven't played CoH/CoV in years, but I still remember those warehouse/office floor plans ;)

    Talk about a blast from the past!

    I agree- Vanguard is absolutely beautiful, the best MMORPG to date.

    Unfortunately, high system requirements and a premature launch essentially killed it. It was so buggy and incomplete that most players bailed for other games like Age of Conan. Sony finally fixed things, but the server populations have dwindled down.What do you think is the Best mmo?
    I have dropped out of WoW completely to play Aion. Aion beats WoW in every way that is important to me; game mechanics, looks, story, systems and a lot more.

    I played WoW since classic up to Wrath and when Aion came out I just dropped it and walked away. I am stuck on Aion and I cannot see myself leaving anytime soon.
    Star Trek Online

    Star Trek Online is a massively multiplayer online game where you will join Starfleet and explore the greatest wonders and discoveries from our galaxy and beyond. You will team up with thousands of other players as you advance from Starfleet Academy and master your skills aboard a starship. Your journey will take you to far-away posts at the fringes of known space where you will carry out missions to establish contact with new civilizations while protecting the values of the Federation during a time of rising tensions. Rising through the ranks will test your abilities as a warrior, diplomat, explorer, and most importantly: a leader. Play your cards right and you will one day become Captain of your own starship and chart your own course to the final frontier.What do you think is the Best mmo?
    Hate to break this to you, but WoW has a storyline to follow. It starts in Warcraft 3 and picks up some elements from Warcraft 2. If you played those games WoW would make a lot of sense. Though I give you this - I didn't anticipate Cataclysm, but Maelstrom. The fact that they changed it threw me off.

    WoW does top them all if you have the time to play it. If you narrow it to RPGs Diablo 3 will be on top when it comes out.
    Check out for an enormous list of these free mmorpg / mmo games. I use that site to find new games to play. Every week I try a new game =) - It's a lot of fun. They have like every single MMORPG categorized nicely with reviews, screenshots, videos and more. Heck they even list the game's system requirements =p.

    They list all the big non-download MMORPGs too.

    They just put up a list of the best Free MMORPGs of 2009, so you may want to check that out.鈥?/a>


    Let me know if this was helpful! =]!!!
    A lot of people don't realize that there are some amazing tools out there to help you build up your World of Warcraft account. It doesn't matter if you are looking to level up faster or if you are trying generate gold to buy new elite armor.
    WoW tops them all by far but lacks a story to really folllow.

    I like mmo's with a solid story along with everything else like random quests, grinding, and such.
    ^^^obviously the dude above me hasnt read any wow lore

    World of warcraft is pretty good if you find a good private server

    Guild wars is meh

    warhammers supposed to be good
    I've played them all. I honestly like WoW the most.

    Read up on the lore and you'll be entertained for hours just reading the snippets on wowwiki.
  • mass effect 2 armor
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  • Which mmo should i get?

    I want to start playing mmo's but i'm not sure which one i want to get. Some that I am interested in are LoTRO, Warhammer Online, and Guild Wars. I'm leaning towards online LOTRO and GW because i don't have to pay about $15 monthly (if i do get LOTRO, then i plan on getting the lifetime membership). Some other MMO's that i heard were pretty good are DAoC and EQ 2.

    Which one would you guys recommend? And which one of these is the best gameplay wise? Are Warhammer Online, EQ 2 and DAoC a better run for my money than LOTRO and Guild Wars?Which mmo should i get?
    I have some xp with wow and gw, so i will comment on those games only.

    If you are looking for a LONG term mmo, i would sugges GW. If you are thinking something to pass the time, and drow in 1-2 years, then take wow.

    I personally prefer wow graphics and the familiarity of the warcraft universe (im a WC and DotA player) more than GW.

    In wow, theres a problem where you get to the highest lv, with the best items money can buy... and thats it. Recreate a new character and start over. GW overcomes that problem with their 8 spells out of 300 limit, where you can only use 8 spells(with cd and all that) in combat, hence making a rock paper scissors senario everytime your team goes into battle.

    In terms of money... I would go for GW. You can buy any of their expansions and play them without the others, unlike other mmo.
    Well, Warhammer Online isn't going to be released for a few months, so I can't reccomend it.

    LoTRO i havn't tried, but I've heard nothing spectaculuar about.

    EQ2 don't bother

    GW is only worth it because of no monthlys

    DAoC is pretty good

    But are you leaving out WoW on purpose? Thats the best MMO out there.Which mmo should i get?
    Guild Wars looks nice and if that was the only MMO I'd ever played, I'd probably stick with it.

    But I've seen the best that's out there...Warcraft and I would definitely recommend it 10x over any other MMO. Blizzard once again has put out an absolute masterpiece with this game.

    I know LOTRO is in open beta and Warcraft has a free trial so you can try them both out before buying. I'm not sure about the others. I suggest you try it out for free before shelling over cold hard cash.

    Good luck!
    watever u do do not start with world of warcraft its a cycle of killing a level higher then you and getting stupid items that only help you wile fighting the cycle any how thats my opinon if your looking 4 a great game go with counter strike source dosen't get no better then that all what you need in one package :PWhich mmo should i get?
    For a first MMO to get into .. i Highly recomend either DAoC or City of Hero's/Villions

    both are great games to learn MMO play styles and stratagies on.

    LoTR would make a great 2nd choise .. getting into that myself. good graphic's and most class's are helpfull in groups and do ok solon'

    whats ever you do .. stay away from EQ2, and WoW.

    Warhammer online are you going to get it?

    i am currently a wow player with multiple high level charaters i enjoy the PvE content while leveling up, but find endgame really boring i also love PvP, having followed warhammer online the age of reckoning or WAR i am seriously considering binning my wow account when WAR comes out what do you guys think? having the limited knowlege that is available on the internet about WAR will you guys be transferring from your current MMO to WAR? would love to hear your feedbackWarhammer online are you going to get it?
    I have been waiting for weeks for someone to post a question about this game and suddenly I look it up (for probably the last time) and here is one that was posted two hours ago!

    Anyways, yes I have been digging through the site and I will be playing it. Although I do have questions about it too. Such as, is it free or do I just have to buy the game and play it free? Anyways if you find out just e-mail something to me- zuper911@yahoo.comWarhammer online are you going to get it?
    mike it is going to be $15 A month...But its worth it trust me!

    Ive personally gotten a guarentee in beta! Yay! Now time to wait for it...=(

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    Warhammer online are you going to get it?
    I don't play MMO's, they bore me (mostly), but if I did then I wouldn't just switch, you have to wait for it to come out, wait for reviews, wait maybe for a chance to play it on someone else's computer. Just buying it immediately after its release is just illogical, it's the same for anything.

    Tuesday, March 6, 2012

    Which MMO should I start playing?

    Hi there! Now school is over and I'm financially independent from my parents, I thought about starting an MMO...I know most will say 'WoW of course' but, while I play DotA and I like the Warcraft folklore,

    I'm not particurarly fond of WoW because I think I want something more contemporary...and yes, I'm aware of its expansions. Also, I think that there are way too many pro players you can't beat for **** because they've been playing for years. I've even played Lineage and thought it sucked. One game that got my attention are Lord of the Rings Online as I'm a fan of the trilogy and I find the aspect of getting to play in the landscapes and stories of the movie, online, amusing! I also found Warhammer Online pretty nice but I don't know much about it...

    Lately, I set my sights upon the upcoming MMOs The Agency, DC Universe Online but mostly The Secret World. Also, having owned Guild Wars, I find GW2 interesting, although I don't really like its PvP, I think it's perfect in every other aspect!

    I want to outline some things. First of all, I don't mind having to pay monthly and secondly, notice I asked for an MMO in general, not an MMORPG in particular! If you have other suggestions, please feel free to share them with me, or, if you have something good to outline for WoW, do it! But something serious, not like 'it's da best gam eva'. Last but not least, what I really want is immersion!

    Thanks!Which MMO should I start playing?
    "Also, having owned Guild Wars, I find GW2 interesting, although I don't really like its PvP, I think it's perfect in every other aspect!"

    GW2 will have a strong PvP aspect, but just like GW1 you can never be forced to take part of PvP at all. There is no World-PvP like the gankers of WoW or Aion, raiders or griefers. PvP in GW2 will be either server vs server vs server, and contained in a single area, where there is no PvE contents, or Guild vs Guild (team vs team) in arenas.

    If you don't like PvP (like me) Guild Wars 1 and 2 is perfect.

    Just thought this needed to be cleared up.

    The youtube-channel below has some more info on this from the developers of GW2Which MMO should I start playing?
    It's hard to recommend a specific MMO game 2 play, because everyone likes something different. A game I love you may not. Check out for a huge list of these free mmorpg / mmo games. I personally use that site to find new games to play. Every few days I try a new game :) - It's a lot of fun because I try everything. They have like every single MMORPG categorized nicely with reviews, screenshots, videos and more. Heck they even list the game's system requirements!. Best part is all the games are free, which rocks.

    They have a big section for "no download" browser MMORPGs too! All with screenshots and reviews!

    Let me know if this was helpful! %26lt;3

    Warhammer online framerate?

    pc specs:

    2.2 dc prosessor

    nividea geforce 8500 gt 1gb

    2gb RAM

    im getting a horrible framerate in warhammer. it was running perfectly on high settings about 2 days ago, ten out of nowere it went bad. in rvr and in cities my framerate is horrible on low graphics even! is it my pc or is it the game. can it be fixed?, will mythic fix it? when!? theres something wrong when you cant run a mmo on a deacent computer. probably wont last another day like this unless they fix it soon.Warhammer online framerate?
    I'm hearing all sorts of things around the net about this - some good rigs like yours have awful lag. Some older rigs run it fine. My rig (old) is having trouble.

    I remember similar issues when WoW was young. I'm suspecting it's a Mythic problem, and with enough outcry, they will look into what might be causing it on their end. It could be server traffic management on their end - WoW had that issue early on, IIRC.

    While you wait, since your symptoms suddenly started, run a full system scan for viruses and spyware- you might have downloaded some garbage recently. Also run a defrag- didn't help my rig, but gaming is notorious for fragmenting your drive.

    If neither of those works, try your ISP. See what ping rate they give you. It may be a delivery problem. Or it could be your network interface card failing.

    It appears to be such a great game I'm going to keep tweaking my system, and hoping that Mythic works on whatever's on their end. Hang in there.Warhammer online framerate?
    First: try setting Play Ability Effects On: from all or warband to party or even self. That seemed to help me.

    Then read this:鈥?/a>

    My computer is a whole lot better than yours and I have problems in keep battles too....

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