Friday, March 9, 2012

Which mmo should i get?

I want to start playing mmo's but i'm not sure which one i want to get. Some that I am interested in are LoTRO, Warhammer Online, and Guild Wars. I'm leaning towards online LOTRO and GW because i don't have to pay about $15 monthly (if i do get LOTRO, then i plan on getting the lifetime membership). Some other MMO's that i heard were pretty good are DAoC and EQ 2.

Which one would you guys recommend? And which one of these is the best gameplay wise? Are Warhammer Online, EQ 2 and DAoC a better run for my money than LOTRO and Guild Wars?Which mmo should i get?
I have some xp with wow and gw, so i will comment on those games only.

If you are looking for a LONG term mmo, i would sugges GW. If you are thinking something to pass the time, and drow in 1-2 years, then take wow.

I personally prefer wow graphics and the familiarity of the warcraft universe (im a WC and DotA player) more than GW.

In wow, theres a problem where you get to the highest lv, with the best items money can buy... and thats it. Recreate a new character and start over. GW overcomes that problem with their 8 spells out of 300 limit, where you can only use 8 spells(with cd and all that) in combat, hence making a rock paper scissors senario everytime your team goes into battle.

In terms of money... I would go for GW. You can buy any of their expansions and play them without the others, unlike other mmo.
Well, Warhammer Online isn't going to be released for a few months, so I can't reccomend it.

LoTRO i havn't tried, but I've heard nothing spectaculuar about.

EQ2 don't bother

GW is only worth it because of no monthlys

DAoC is pretty good

But are you leaving out WoW on purpose? Thats the best MMO out there.Which mmo should i get?
Guild Wars looks nice and if that was the only MMO I'd ever played, I'd probably stick with it.

But I've seen the best that's out there...Warcraft and I would definitely recommend it 10x over any other MMO. Blizzard once again has put out an absolute masterpiece with this game.

I know LOTRO is in open beta and Warcraft has a free trial so you can try them both out before buying. I'm not sure about the others. I suggest you try it out for free before shelling over cold hard cash.

Good luck!
watever u do do not start with world of warcraft its a cycle of killing a level higher then you and getting stupid items that only help you wile fighting the cycle any how thats my opinon if your looking 4 a great game go with counter strike source dosen't get no better then that all what you need in one package :PWhich mmo should i get?
For a first MMO to get into .. i Highly recomend either DAoC or City of Hero's/Villions

both are great games to learn MMO play styles and stratagies on.

LoTR would make a great 2nd choise .. getting into that myself. good graphic's and most class's are helpfull in groups and do ok solon'

whats ever you do .. stay away from EQ2, and WoW.

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