Friday, March 9, 2012

Should World Of Warcraft and other MMO's be Free to play?

A recent article i read was how alot of MMO's are choosing to cut their monthly subscription fee's and make them free to play to compete with WoW and get more people playing their game as everyone who has tried to take down WoW has failed, warhammer,everquest,runescape etc etc. I'm a WoW player and i don't mind paying the monthly subscription because i think this is the reason WoW is successful, the monthly subscription pays to make the game better, be it new dungeons,raids,questing, items etc etc and without the monthly subscription, you couldn't have the all the new stuff so kinda how the other publishers plan on making on making money if this is the only way to compete with Blizzard. One theory i had was instead of monthly subscription, to keep the game new and fresh to get people to pay for patches, how else do you keep a online game fresh and keep your players. Blizzard have over 15 million and they pay each month, how do you compete with this ?Should World Of Warcraft and other MMO's be Free to play?
I think it's better to have to pay the monthly subscription than some kind of hidden fee that most "free" to play mmorpgs have most of the time. And the money goes to server maintenance which is expensive, developers etc which isn't such a bad thing.Should World Of Warcraft and other MMO's be Free to play?
As long as WoW can make money they will.

WoW's days are numbered though Star Wars the Old Republic is going to take down WoW once and for all. I used to play WoW a lot last year and the game go so boring for me after I hit level 80, I'm so glad that Star Wars the Old Republic is going to finally end WoW's reign.

Even though it comes out next year the game looks very promising.

Look at the details yourself and decideShould World Of Warcraft and other MMO's be Free to play?
I don't think so...they give updates every few months and so the monthly fees go to maintaining the servers each month and to pay software developers/writers each month.Without monthly subscriptions where do you think they will get the constant supply of money to power their servers etc.
i play wow also, i agree with you, if it was free it wouldn't be as good, but it could be cheaper because of how many people that do play

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