Friday, March 9, 2012

I need a good mmo to play.?

Okay ive been playing wow for about 2 years and almost 6 months. Im dying of boredom. Im very picky about my MMO's ive tried many and have gotten bored. i have tried EvE/warhammer/Aion/guild wars/vindictus/allods online. I really liked perfect world but i didnt like how the pvp system was set up where you lose an item after you die. Im looking for a game that has the same pvp/combat system wow has with bg's and pvp areas. The game doesnt have to be a F2P im okay with subscriptions (please dont tell me try mmohut ive tried most of these games through them)I need a good mmo to play.?
u could try Guild Wars 2. Although you'll have to wait till the game comes out. Its gonna be good ^^I need a good mmo to play.?
darkorbit and seafight are both good mmo's, they are browser games, the graphics arnt that great but they are addictive games, check out some videos and information and get the links to these games at www.onlinegamevids.comI need a good mmo to play.?
You could try finding some games on Steam
Dfo by nexon

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